Tyndall Early Career Network (TECN)

The Tyndall Early Career Network (TECN) is made up of early-career researchers (MPhil, PhD and contract researchers) affiliated with the Tyndall Centre. TECN supports researchers by facilitating connections with other members of the Tyndall Centre, assisting with career development, and exchanging ideas, experiences and knowledge.

TECN coordinates several activities across the Tyndall Centre partner institutions:

  • TECN Summer Event: TECN members come together at a member institution to build skills together, share their research, and improve their well-being through activities and workshops.  The post-event report from the most recent event can be found here.
  • TECN @ Tyndall Assembly: before the annual Tyndall Assembly, TECN runs a half-day session for its members to get together and do skill-building workshops.
  • Early Career Representation on Tyndall Council: TECN represents the views of Tyndall-affiliated early career researchers on the Tyndall Centre’s governing body, the Tyndall Council. The TECN representative role is a rolling position between all institution representatives.

TECN Representatives

Tyndall Centre institutions with a significant number of Tyndall-affiliated early career researchers are represented in TECN leadership meetings. The current TECN representatives are:

If you are an early career researcher from a Tyndall institution and you would like to join TECN, please email your institution’s TECN representative.