Our Research Projects

Slide titled "ADAPT Lock-in: Project Team" featuring headshots and names of 12 team members from various universities and research organizations. The logos of their respective institutions are displayed prominently on the right.

ADAPT Lock-in

Responding to climate change impacts demands decisive action to adapt, yet there is a well-documented and growing ‘adaptation gap’. Action has been very limited, as

Avoided risks of global warming

Avoided risks of global warming

“global warming” by alandberning is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 U.S. Forest Service photo. Our research considers the risks of global warming associated with 1.5C

Beyond Cost and Carbon

Dr Naomi Vaughan and Dr Aimie Hope work on Beyond Cost and Carbon – a Leverhulme funded project based at the Tyndall Centre, University of

Bio-Cap UK

Bio-Cap UK: Biomass with CO2 Capture

This UK study is titled Bio-Cap UK: Air/Oxy Biomass Combustion with CO2 Capture Technology. Converting biomass to electricity with carbon capture and storage (bio-CCS) could