Dr. Stephen Blenkinsop is a Senior Research Associate at the School of Engineering, Newcastle University, having completed his PhD at the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia in 2005. At Newcastle University his work is currently focused on the development and analysis of historical rainfall datasets, including the examination of change and variability in extreme events. Developing methods for the quality control of sub-daily precipitation data has underpinned much of this recent work. His research interests also include climate downscaling, the global impacts of climate change, and the atmospheric drivers of extreme rainfall that leads to flash flooding. He is currently a researcher on the INTENSE and FUTURE-STORMS projects (sub-daily precipitation and drivers) and is a lecturer on undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes. Stephen has co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications.
Stephen Blenkinsop
Li X-F, Blenkinsop S, Barbero R, Yu J, Lewis E, Lenderink G, Guerreiro S, Chan S, Li Y, Ali H, Villalobos Herrera, Kendon E, Fowler HJ, 2020. Global Distribution of the intensity and frequency of hourly precipitation and their responses to ENSO. Climate Dynamics.
Alias NE, Salim NA, Taib ST, Yusof MBM, Saari R, Ramli MWA, Othman IK, Annammala KV, Yusof HM, Ismail N, Blenkinsop S, 2020. Community Responses on Effective Flood Early Warnings following the December 2014 Kelantan Flood, Malaysia. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 13 (Suppl. 1):e12552.
Kong Q, Guerreiro SB, Blenkinsop S, Li X-F, Fowler HJ, Zheng J, Ge Q, 2020. Concurrent drought and heatwaves in Eastern China. Weather and Climate Extremes, 28, 100242.
Allen RP, Blenkinsop S, Fowler H, Champion A, 2020. Atmospheric precursors for intense summer rainfall over the UK. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.6431.
Barbero R, Fowler H, Blenkinsop S, Westra S, Moron V, Lewis E, Chan S, Lenderink G, Kendon E, Guerreiro S, Li X-F, Villalobos R, Ali H, Mishra V, 2019. A synthesis of hourly and daily precipitation extremes in different climatic regions. Weather and Climate Extremes, 100219
Flack DLA, Skinner CJ, Hawkness-Smith L, O’Donnell G, Thompson RJ, Waller JA, Chen AS, Moloney J, Largeron C, Xia X, Blenkinsop S, Champion AJ, Perks MT, Quinn N, Speight LJ, 2019, Recommendations for Improving Integration in National End-to-End Flood Forecasting Systems: An Overview of the FFIR (Flooding From Intense Rainfall) Programme. Water, 11, 725. doi:10.3390/w11040725.
Champion AJ, Blenkinsop S, Li X‐F, Fowler HJ, 2019. Synoptic‐scale precursors of extreme U.K. summer 3‐hourly rainfall. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 4477– 4489. DOI: 10.1029/2018JD029664.
Lewis E, Fowler HJ, Alexander L, Dunn R, McClean F, Barbero R, Guerreiro S, Li X-F, Blenkinsop S, 2019. GSDR: A Global sub-daily rainfall dataset. Journal of Climate, 32, 4715–4729
Guerreiro SB, Fowler HJ, Barbero R, Westra S, Lenderink G, Blenkinsop S, Lewis E, Li X-F, 2018. Detection of continental-scale intensification of hourly rainfall extremes. Nature Climate Change, 8, 803-807, doi: 10.1038/s41558-018-0245-3.
Lewis E, Quinn N, Blenkinsop S, Fowler HJ, Freer J, Tanguy M, Hitt O, Coxon G, Bates P, Woods R, 2018. A rule based quality control method for hourly rainfall data and a 1km resolution gridded hourly rainfall dataset for Great Britain: CEH-GEAR1hr. Journal of Hydrology, 564, 930-943.
Blenkinsop S, Fowler HJ, Lewis E, Guerreiro S, Li X-F, Chan SC, Barbero R, Lenderink G, Westra S, Kendon E, Ekstrom M, Tye MR, et al., 2018. The INTENSE project: using observations and models to understand the past, present and future of sub-daily rainfall extremes. Advances in Science and Research, 15, 117-126.
Rasmussen SB, Blenkinsop S, Burton A, Abrahamsen P, Holm PE, Hansen S, 2018. High resolution agro-ecological indices based on an ensemble of downscaled weather generator scenarios. European Journal of Agronomy, 101, 222-238.
Kendon EJ, Blenkinsop S, Fowler HJ, 2018. When Will We Detect Changes in Short-Duration Precipitation Extremes? Journal of Climate, 31, 2945–2964
Forsythe N., Fowler HJ, Li X, Blenkinsop S, 2017. Karakoram temperature and glacial melt driven by regional atmospheric circulation variability. Nature Climate Change, 7, 664–670. doi:10.1038/NCLIMATE3361.
Blenkinsop S, Lewis E, Chan SC, Fowler HJ, 2017. An hourly precipitation dataset and climatology of extremes for the UK. International Journal of Climatology, 37, 722–740. doi:10.1002/joc.4735.
Barbero R, Fowler HJ, Lenderink G, Blenkinsop S, 2017. Is the intensification of precipitation extremes with global warming better detected at hourly than daily resolutions?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071917.
Chan SC, Kendon EJ, Roberts NM, Fowler HJ, Blenkinsop S, 2016. Downturn in scaling of UK extreme rainfall with temperature for future hottest days. Nature Geoscience, 9, 24-28. doi:10.1038/ngeo2596.
Blenkinsop S, Chan SC, Kendon EJ, Roberts NM, Fowler HJ, 2015. Temperature influences on intense UK hourly precipitation and dependency on large-scale circulation, Environ. Res. Lett. 10 054021. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/5/054021.
Jones MR, Fowler HJ, Kilsby CG, Blenkinsop S, 2013. An assessment of changes in seasonal and annual extreme rainfall in the UK between 1961-2009. International Journal of Climatology, 33, 1178-1194.
Blenkinsop S, Jones PD, Dorling SR, Osborn TJ, 2009. Observed and modelled influence of atmospheric circulation on central England temperature extremes, International Journal of Climatology, 29, 1642-1660.
Blenkinsop S, Fowler HJ. 2007. Changes in drought frequency, severity and duration for the British Isles projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models. Journal of Hydrology, 342, 50 – 71.
Blenkinsop S, Fowler HJ. 2007. Changes in European drought characteristics projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 1595 – 1610.
Fowler HJ, Blenkinsop S, Tebaldi C. 2007. Linking climate change modelling to impacts studies: recent advances in downscaling techniques for hydrological modelling. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 1547 – 1578.
For further publications please visit: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=km97GGAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
R., Barbero; Fowler, H; Lenderink, G; Blenkinsop, S
Is the intensification of precipitation extremes with global warming better detected at hourly than daily resolutions? Journal Article
In: 2017.
title = {Is the intensification of precipitation extremes with global warming better detected at hourly than daily resolutions?},
author = {Barbero R. and H Fowler and G Lenderink and S Blenkinsop},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
abstract = {<p>Although it has been documented that daily precipitation extremes are increasing worldwide, faster increases may be expected for subdaily extremes. Here after a careful quality control procedure, we compared trends in hourly and daily precipitation extremes using a large network of stations across the United States (U.S.) within the 1950–2011 period. A greater number of significant increasing trends in annual and seasonal maximum precipitation were detected from daily extremes, with the primary exception of wintertime. Our results also show that the mean percentage change in annual maximum daily precipitation across the U.S. per global warming degree is ~6.9% textdegreeC^{<font size="2">-1</font>} (in agreement with the Clausius-Clapeyron rate) while lower sensitivities were observed for hourly extremes, suggesting that changes in the magnitude of subdaily extremes in response to global warming emerge more slowly than those for daily extremes in the climate record.</p>},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}