Newcastle University

The Tyndall Centre at Newcastle University is based in the School of Engineering with researchers in the Water and Geospatial Engineering research groups. Tyndall Newcastle researchers are also members of the GCRF Water Security Hub, the National Green Infrastructure Facility, and the One Planet DTP and Geospatial Systems CDT.

Tyndall Newcastle’s key areas of research cover urban sustainability, infrastructure systems, adaptation and resilience, water resources, climate downscaling and climate impacts analysis, flood and coastal engineering, and spatial planning. Large, multi-disciplinary projects like OpenCLIM and CONVEX examine extreme weather events, impacts, and adaptation options across a range of sectors.

Tyndall Newcastle examines climate change through an engineering lens, aiming to provide analyses, functional tools and, real-world demonstrators to enable practical responses to the challenges of climate change in the context of other socio-economic and natural changes. They use observations, modelling, and physical testbeds to explore the complexity of coupled technological, human and natural systems, at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Research is shaping the management of long-term change and associated uncertainties, in particular in river basins, along coastlines, and within urban areas. We work locally, nationally, and internationally, with strong stakeholder relationships underpinning engineering in practice.

Newcastle joined the Tyndall Centre in 2004.

Other Partners

Fudan University

The Fudan Tyndall Centre represents an active research partnership between Fudan University and The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

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Contact Details

Tyndall Centre Newcastle
University of Newcastle,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
Phone: +44 (0)191 246 4949
Fax: +44 (0)191 246 4998

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