Natasha Hill

PhD Researcher

I am a PhD student at the University of East Anglia, and with the support of the SENSS Doctoral Training Programme I am working on the collaborative project “Warming the heart: identifying how transforming tropical fire discourses can contribute towards more effective and equitable governance“. This project takes a multidisciplinary and mixed methods approach which includes media discourse analysis, behavioural science approaches and field-based methods such as interviews and photovoice. I hold a first-class degree in Media and International Development from UEA and I am currently partaking in an MSc in Climate Change and Global Development to widen my knowledge. Alongside my studies I am passionate about Climate volunteering having worked with charities and projects based around media and climate change. These include Climate Live, Norwich Eco Hub’s local climate action podcast and being a climate ambassador for STEM Learning through the Tyndall Centre and UEA.  At Tyndall I am supervised by Rachel Carmenta (primary) and am a member of the Achieving Wellbeing with Climate Action research theme.

Natasha Hill, with her curly hair, is seated in a garden, surrounded by flowers and bushes, smiling at the camera in this black and white image.

Research Areas