Jaise Kuriakose


Jaise Kuriakose is a Lecturer in Climate Change at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Manchester. He contributes to undergraduate teaching on Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency & Sustainable Waste Management. Jaise is an electrical engineer with 10 years of industrial experience including development of a microgrid system integrating renewable generation and battery storage, renewable energy systems and power distribution systems up to 110 kV. He completed his PhD in Environmental Engineering at Tyndall Manchester, examining how smart grid technologies could be utilised to address the challenges of operating a decarbonised electricity grid.

His expertise includes developing pathways that translate global temperature targets to energy and carbon policy and modelling environmental and engineering performance of energy generation and demand. His current research includes evaluation of greenhouse gases from large hydropower reservoirs (FutureDAMS), setting climate change targets and carbon budgets, understanding variability and resilience challenges from renewables, and smart grid solutions enhancing operational resilience of the electricity grid. He has worked closely with various local/regional governments to set carbon emission budgets and targets that are consistent with United Nations Paris Climate Agreement (e.g. Manchester).

He was selected as one of the 100 BAME climate experts in the UK by Climate Reframe in 2020.  He regularly gives public talks about climate change and sustainability and engages with policymakers. Jaise has published diverse interdisciplinary research through peer-reviewed articles, responses to Government inquiries and conference papers. He was instrumental in developing an online tool to help local authorities to understand their role in meeting the climate change objectives set by the UN.

Research Interests:   Renewable Energy, carbon budgets, energy modelling, smart grids, energy storage, resilience of energy systems.