Tyndall Research Strategy 2012 – 2017

We believe from what we have heard that there is an increasing need for the type of interdisciplinary research and analysis that we do. The Tyndall Centre’s first decade focused on interdisciplinary climate change research. Our second decade will in addition focus on the interactions and feedback between climate, people and ecosystems. Interactions are particularly important because of their direct impact on human wellbeing. They may trigger inadvertent consequences or provide opportunities and additional benefits. In this spirit we reemphasise the goals of the Tyndall Centre:
  • We will perform internationally recognised, high quality and interdisciplinary climate change research
  • We will raise awareness of the risks, trade-offs and opportunities arising from climate change and related environment, energy and economic concerns
  • We will exert an influence on the design and achievability of national and international climate change-related policies and actions
A key aspect for the next decade is our expansion to the Fudan Tyndall Centre in Shanghai, which both brings aboard new expertise and culture, and engages policymakers in China’s world-influencing and rapidly expanding economy. We go far beyond the capacity of any individual University in the world. We are successfully transitioning from a core-funded to a competitively-funded institute and to do this we recognise our unique qualities as a world-class network that stimulates ideas and nurtures knowledge, expertise and engagement.Tyndall Research Strategy 2012 -2017

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