Tyndall Centre Publications

The following database includes publications by researchers exclusively from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and the University of Manchester.

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26 entries « 1 of 2 »

M., Thomas; Partridge, T; H., Harthorn B.; Pidgeon, N

Deliberating the perceived risks, benefits, and societal implications of shale gas and oil extraction by hydraulic fracturing in the US and UK. Journal Article

In: 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX


Broderick, John; Wood, Ruth

Climate change impacts of shale gas production Book Chapter

In: Hester, R. E.; Harrison, R. M. (Ed.): Fracking, vol. 39, pp. 104–117, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, 1st, 2015, ISBN: 9781849739207.



Broderick, John; Wood, Ruth

Climate change impacts of shale gas production Book Chapter

In: Hester, R. E.; Harrison, R. M. (Ed.): Fracking, vol. 39, pp. 104–117, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom, 1st, 2015, ISBN: 9781849739207.



Anderson, Kevin

UK shale gas development and international commitments on climate change Book

No publisher name, 2013.

Abstract | BibTeX


Anderson, Kevin

UK shale gas development and international commitments on climate change Book

No publisher name, 2013.

Abstract | BibTeX


Broderick, John; Anderson, Kevin

Regulation of the unconventional fossil fuels extraction; Climate change considerations Book Chapter

In: Workshop on shale gas in the EU: its impact on the environment and the energy policy, from the perspective of petitions received, pp. 79–96, European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Belgium, 2012.



Broderick, John; Anderson, Kevin

Has US Shale Gas Reduced CO2 emissions? Examining recent changes in emissions from the US power sector and traded fossil fuels: Examining recent changes in emissions from the US power sector and traded fossil fuels Book

Tyndall Centre, United Kingdom, 2012, (This research was commissioned by The Co-operative.).

Abstract | BibTeX


Broderick, John; Anderson, Kevin

Regulation of the unconventional fossil fuels extraction; Climate change considerations Book Chapter

In: Workshop on shale gas in the EU: its impact on the environment and the energy policy, from the perspective of petitions received, pp. 79–96, European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Belgium, 2012.



Broderick, John; Anderson, Kevin

Has US Shale Gas Reduced CO2 emissions? Examining recent changes in emissions from the US power sector and traded fossil fuels: Examining recent changes in emissions from the US power sector and traded fossil fuels Book

Tyndall Centre, United Kingdom, 2012, (This research was commissioned by The Co-operative.).

Abstract | BibTeX


Broderick, John; Anderson, Kevin; Gilbert, Paul

Submission to House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee inquiry into "The Impact of Shale Gas on Energy Markets" Book

Office of Public Sector Information, United Kingdom, 2012.



Broderick, John; Anderson, Kevin; Gilbert, Paul

Submission to House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee inquiry into "The Impact of Shale Gas on Energy Markets" Book

Office of Public Sector Information, United Kingdom, 2012.



Broderick, John; Anderson, Kevin; Wood, Ruth; Gilbert, Paul; Sharmina, Maria; Footitt, Anthony; Glynn, Steven; Nicholls, Fiona

Shale gas: an updated assessment of environmental and climate change impacts Book

Tyndall Centre, United Kingdom, 2011.



Gilbert, Paul; Wood, Ruth

Fossil Fools Journal Article

In: Public Service Review: Central Government, vol. 23, no. 23, pp. 148, 2011, ISSN: 1470-5257.

Abstract | BibTeX


Wood, F. R.; Gilbert, P.; Sharmina, M.; Anderson, K.; Footitt, A.; Glynn, S.; Nicholls, F.

Shale gas: a provisional assessment of climate change and environmental impacts - Report commissioned by The Co-operative Group. Book

Cooperative Group, United Kingdom, 2011.

Abstract | BibTeX


Broderick, John; Anderson, Kevin; Wood, Ruth; Gilbert, Paul; Sharmina, Maria; Footitt, Anthony; Glynn, Steven; Nicholls, Fiona

Shale gas: an updated assessment of environmental and climate change impacts Book

Tyndall Centre, United Kingdom, 2011.



Gilbert, Paul; Wood, Ruth

Fossil Fools Journal Article

In: Public Service Review: Central Government, vol. 23, no. 23, pp. 148, 2011, ISSN: 1470-5257.

Abstract | BibTeX


Wood, F. R.; Gilbert, P.; Sharmina, M.; Anderson, K.; Footitt, A.; Glynn, S.; Nicholls, F.

Shale gas: a provisional assessment of climate change and environmental impacts - Report commissioned by The Co-operative Group. Book

Cooperative Group, United Kingdom, 2011.

Abstract | BibTeX


Anderson, [Unknown]; Gilbert, P; Willis, J; Wood, R; Footitt, A; Glynn, S; Nicholls, F

Written evidence to the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Select Committee "Commons Select Committee: Evidence for forthcoming shale gas inquiry" Book

No publisher name, 2011.



Wood, Ruth; Gilbert, Paul; Sharmina, Maria; Anderson, Kevin; Footitt, Anthony Anthony; Glynn, Steven Steven; Nicholls, Fiona Fiona

Shale gas: a provisional assessment of climate change and environmental impacts Book

Cooperative Group, United Kingdom, 2011.



Wood, R; Gilbert, P; Sharmina, M; Anderson, K

Shale Gas: a provisional assessment of climate change and environmental impacts. Book

Cooperative Group, United Kingdom, 2011.

Abstract | BibTeX

26 entries « 1 of 2 »