Our Research Projects

SUPERGEN Biomass and Bioenergy

SUPERGEN Biomass and Bioenergy

Overview Bioenergy provides a significant proportion of the UK’s low carbon energy supply for heat, transport fuel and electricity. There is scope for bioenergy to

The politics of low carbon innovation

The politics of low carbon innovation

Recent studies emphasise sustainable innovation processes developing within protective niches. Experimentation in these spaces accumulates experience and improvements, which carries technologies from demonstration and into

UK Supergen Bioenergy Hub

UK Supergen Bioenergy Hub

The Supergen Bioenergy Hub is the UK’s £5m bioenergy research programme, that aims to develop sustainable bioenergy systems that support the UK’s transition to an



“nature” by barnyz via Flickr is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 The UKCCSRC is supported by the EPSRC with a mission to ensure that carbon