Our Research Projects


About OpenCLIM OpenCLIM (Open CLimate Impacts Modelling framework) in its first iteration is a two year endeavour piloting better understanding of climate risks and adaptation

Power outages in post-war Lebanon

Power outages in post-war Lebanon

This is  pilot study exploring the socio-material practices for maintaining electrical services in homes in Lebanon. Power outages are endemic in Lebanon and in the

Recovery with Dignity

Recovery with Dignity

EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) This 2-year project, funded under the British Academy’s GCRF Sustainable Development Programme, generates


REFIT: Smart home technologies

Smart Homes are becoming a reality with information and communication technologies increasingly present in our homes. Smart Home technology can provide a range of services including safety, security,