The EUCalc project has the goal of delineating emission and sustainable transformation pathways on the European and member state scale. The project will develop a novel and fast transparent open source model combined with a Transition Pathways Explorer and a learning tools designed at a level of complexity that is adequate for European and national policy makers, businesses, NGOs and other actors of society.
The novel and pragmatic modelling approach is rooted between pure complex society-energy system and integrated impact assessment tools. It introduces an intermediate level of complexity and a multi-sector approach that is based on co-design with scientific and societal actors.
With EUCalc, politicians, innovators and investors will be able to co-create their own pathways online and in real-time and directly visualise how compliant these are with the European mitigation targets under certain decisions taken in other sectors, like buildings, transport, water, industry, energy, or food production.
The combination of trade-off and synergy analyses with future challenges in energy provision and climate protection makes clear limits and opportunities for policy makers for EU-28 + Switzerland.
Instrument: Research and Innovation Action (RIA)
Total EU contribution (€): 5,283,351.25