“pepper and salt” by zuiko12 via Flickr is licensed under CC BY NC SA 2.0
This project builds upon tried and tested methods for exploring future energy supply and demand to develop scenarios incorporating climate change adaptation for a series of key food-based products. These products will be chosen to explore three major issues of importance:
- Their importance within the UK diet
- Their very high emissions burden either currently or likely in the future
- Their vulnerability to climate change impacts.
Through collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute, physical and social science expertise in mitigation and emission accounting from the Tyndall Centre and adaptation-related expertise from the Supergen Consortium and the Satake Centre for Grain Process Engineering involving Manchester University’s schools of SEAES, MACE and CEAS, this project will bring together a range of disciplines to ensure the results are not only quantitatively robust but also qualitatively consistent. The aim of the project is to develop a series of scenarios relevant to the retail sector articulating pathways to alternative futures from both an adaptation and mitigation perspective.