Rayner, T. (2024). Adaptation to climate change: EU policy on a Mission towards transformation? NPJ Climate Action.
Oberthür, S. Hermwille, L., Rayner, T. (2021). A Sectoral Perspective on International Climate Governance: Analytical Foundation. Earth System Governance 8. Special issue: Making Global Climate Governance Fit for Paris: The Sectoral Dimension. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esg.2021.100104
Rayner, T. (2021). Keeping it in the ground? Global governance and fossil fuel supply reduction. Earth System Governance 8. Special issue: Making Global Climate Governance Fit for Paris: The Sectoral Dimension. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esg.2020.100061
Rayner T. (2021). Taking the slow route to decarbonisation? Developing climate governance for international transport. Earth System Governance 8. Special issue: Making Global Climate Governance Fit for Paris: The Sectoral Dimension. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esg.2021.100100
Rayner, T., Oberthur, S., Hermwille, L. (2021). A Sectoral Perspective on International Climate Governance: Key Findings and Research Priorities. Earth System Governance 8. Special issue: Making Global Climate Governance Fit for Paris: The Sectoral Dimension. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esg.2021.100105
Waller, L., Rayner, T., Chilvers, J., Gough, C., Lorenzoni, I., Jordan, A. & Vaughan, N., (2020). Contested framings of greenhouse gas removal and its feasilbility: social and political dimensions. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. 11, 4, e649.
Schoenefeld, J. & Rayner, T., (2019), Monitoring energy policy. Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe. Knodt, M. & Kemmerzell, J. (eds.). Springer Nature
Leiren, M. D., Szulecki, K., Rayner, T. & Banet, C., (2019) Energy security concerns versus market harmony: The Europeanisation of capacity mechanisms. Politics and Governance. 7, 1, p. 92-104 13 p.
Rayner, T., (2018) Feeling the heat: The challenge of communicating ‘high-end’ climate change. Handbook of Climate Change Communication. Leal Filho, W., Manolas, E., Azul, A. M., Azeiteiro, U. M. & McGhie, H. (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, p. 367-383 16 p
Rayner, T. and Jordan, A. (2017). The United Kingdom: a record of leadership under threat, in R. Wurzel, J. Connelly and D. Liefferink (eds.). The European Union in International Climate Change Politics. Still Taking a Lead? London: Routledge (Chapter).
Rayner, T., Moore, B. (2016) The EU Referendum and the UK Environment: An Expert Review (Climate Policy) UEA Repository (Chapter).
Rayner, T. and Jordan, A. (2016) Climate Change Policy in the European Union. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science, August 2016, pp 1-31. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.47. http://climatescience.oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.0…
Jordan, A. J., Huitema, D., Hildén, M., van Asselt, H., Rayner, T. J., Schoenefeld, J. J., Tosun, J., Forster, J., Boasson, E. L. (2015) Emergence of polycentric climate governance and its future prospects Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Berkhout, F., Bouwer, L. M., Bayer, J., Bouzid, M., Cabeza, M., Hanger, S., Hof, A., Hunter, P., Meller, L., Patt, A., Pfluger, B., Rayner, T., Reichardt, K., van Teeffelen, A. (2015) European policy responses to climate change: progress on mainstreaming emissions reduction and adaptation Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Turnpenny, J., Jordan, A., Benson, D., Rayner, T. (2015) The tools of policy formulation: an introduction. Full Text (Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Jordan, A., Turnpenny, J., Rayner, T. (2015) The tools of policy formulation: new perspectives and new challenges Full Text UEA Repository (Chapter)
van Asselt, H., Rayner, T., Persson, A.(2015) Climate policy integration: common sense or political project? Full Text UEA Repository (Chapter)
Owens, S., Rayner, T. (2015) Risk, Precaution, and Governance: An Evolution of Ideas Full Text UEA Repository (Chapter)
Massey, E., D. Huitema, H. Garrelts, K. Grecksch, H. Mees, T. Rayner, S. Storbjörk, K. Termeer and M. Winges (2015). ‘Handling adaptation governance choices in Sweden, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands’, Journal of Water and Climate Change 6(1): 9-24 (article).
Rayner, T., Jordan, A. (2013) The European Union: the polycentric climate leader? Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Russel, D., Turnpenny, J., Rayner, T. (2013) Reining in the executive? Delegation, evidence, and parliamentary influence on environmental public policy Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Turnpenny, J., Russel, D., Rayner, T.(2013) The complexity of evidence for sustainable development policy: Analysing the boundary work of the UK parliamentary environmental audit committee Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Jordan, A., Rayner, T., Schroeder, H., Adger, N., Anderson, K., Bows, A., Le Quéré, C., Joshi, M., Mander, S., Vaughan, N., Whitmarsh, L. (2013) Going beyond two degrees? The risks and opportunities of alternative options Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Brouwer, S., Rayner, T., Huitema, D. (2013) Mainstreaming climate policy: The case of climate adaptation and the implementation of EU water policy Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Huitema, D., Jordan, A., Massey, E., Rayner, T., Asselt, H., Haug, C., Hildingsson, R., Monni, S., Stripple, J. (2011) The evaluation of climate policy: Theory and emerging practice in Europe Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
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