Selma Guerreiro

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Impacts of climate change
  • Water resources
  • Droughts
  • Heat-waves
  • Intense rainfall

Dr. Selma Guerreiro is a research fellow in hydrology and climate change in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University. She is an interdisciplinary researcher, combining hydrology, climatology and statistics, and a chartered engineer. Dr Guerreiro has worked on global intensification of hourly rainfall, developed climate change projections of droughts, heat-waves and floods for every European city and studied the impact of climate change in future water resources in transnational river basins in Portugal and Spain. She is currently working on compound droughts and heat-waves. Her work has been cited in policy documents in the UK, Spain and Australia. She has also collaborated with engineering companies and been involved in public engagement. Her work has featured prominently in the media, including the BBC, The Guardian, Daily Mail and Sky News as well as several international outlets.