Up-to-date publications are here
Braunholtz-Speight, T., McLachlan, C., Mander, S., Hannon, M., Hardy, J., Cairns, I., Sharmina, M., Manderson, E. (2021). The long term future for community energy in Great Britain: A co-created vision of a thriving sector and steps towards realising it. Energy Research and Social Science.
Minas, A.M., Mander, S., McLachlan, C., 2020. How can we engage farmers in bioenergy development? Building a social innovation strategy for rice straw bioenergy in the Philippines and Vietnam. Energy Res. Soc. Sci. 70, 17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2020.101717
Minas, AM, Tun, SYY, Nugroho, W, Vaghela, D, Myint, A, Aung, ST, Mya, TS, & Mander, S. 2020 Bridging agricultural livelihoods and energy access: Barriers and opportunities for rice and rice husk value chains in Labutta, Myanmar
Meng, M., Mander, S., Zhao, X., & Niu, D. (2016). Have market-oriented reforms improved the electricity generation efficiency of China’s thermal power industry? An empirical analysis. Energy, 114, 734-741. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2016.08.054. Publication link: 61c4446b-ba55-48cb-8450-9621877ca3d5
Larkin, A., Mander, S., Traut, M., Anderson, K., & Wood, F. (2016). Aviation and Climate Change–The Continuing Challenge. In Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering. [Capitalism and Commerce in Imaginative Literature] Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae1031. Publication link: 8f496302-f3e7-4092-acf3-e296e9c3aaa4
Hoolohan, C., Mclachlan, C., & Mander, S. (2016). Trends and drivers of end-use energy demand and the implications for managing energy in food supply chains: Synthesising insights from the social sciences. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 8. DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2016.06.002. Publication link: 00973d4c-d5c2-48aa-b42f-cdbea4644826
Jones, C., Gilbert, P., Raugei, M., Mander, S., & Leccisi, E. (2016). An Approach to Prospective Consequential Life Cycle Assessment and Net Energy Analysis of Distributed Electricity Generation. Energy Policy. . Publication link: 01ade7f1-0f35-425a-9ba9-8a630bd2608f
Mander, S. L. (2016). Slow steaming and a new dawn for wind propulsion: A multi-level analysis of two low carbon shipping transitions. Marine Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2016.03.018. Publication link: 468031cb-a6b0-423a-80fc-8dcdb6f88071
Abi Ghanem, D., Mander, S., & Gough, C. (2016). I think we need to get a better generator”: Household resilience to disruption to power supply during storm events. Energy Policy, 92, 171–180. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.02.003. Publication link: dfed6e95-6c12-41f1-8872-421d9ad3499a
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