Few, R., Spear, D., Singh, C., Tebboth, M., Davies, J. and Thompson-Hall, M. (2020) Culture as a mediator of climate change adaptation: neither static nor unidirectional WIREs Climate Change DOI:10.1002/wcc.687
Tebboth, M. G. L., Few, R., Assen, M., and Degefu, M. A., (2020) Valuing local perspectives on invasive species management: moving beyond the ecosystem service-disservice dichotomy. Ecosystem Services 42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101068
Few, R., Martin, A. and Gross-Camp, N. (2016) ‘Trade-offs in linking adaptation and mitigation in the forests of the Congo Basin’. Regional Environmental Change, 17(3), 851-863. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-016-1080-6
Few, R., Morchain, D., Spear, D. Mensah, A. and Bendapudi, R. (2017) Transformation, adaptation and development: relating concepts to practice. Palgrave Communications, 3, Art. 17092. DOI:10.1057/palcomms.2017.92
Few R. and Tebboth, M. (2018) Recognising the dynamics that surround drought impacts. Think Note. Journal of Arid Environments, 157, 113-115. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2018.06.001
Jones, N., Bouzid, M., Few, R., Hunter, P. and Lake, I. (2020) ‘Water, sanitation and hygiene risk factors for the transmission of cholera in a changing climate: using a systematic review to develop a causal process diagram’. Journal of Water and Health 18 (2), 145-158. https://doi.org/10.2166/wh.2020.088
Pasquier, U., Few, R., Goulden, M., Hooton, S., He, Y. and Hiscock, K. (2020) ‘”We can’t do it on our own!” – Integrating stakeholder and scientific knowledge of future flood risk to inform climate change adaptation planning in a coastal region’. Environmental Science and Policy 103, 50-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.10.016
Few R, Chhotray V, Tebboth M, Forster J, White C, Armijos T and Shelton C (2020) COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons for Recovery. What can we learn from existing research on the long-term aspects of disaster risk and recovery? The British Academy, London
Few R. and Tebboth, M. (2018) Recognising the dynamics that surround drought impacts. Think Note. Journal of Arid Environments, 157, 113-115. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2018.06.001
Few, R., Morchain, D., Spear, D. Mensah, A. and Bendapudi, R. (2017) Transformation, adaptation and development: relating concepts to practice. Palgrave Communications, 3, Art. 17092. DOI:10.1057/palcomms.2017.92
Few, R., Martin, A., Gross-Camp, N. (2017) Trade-offs in linking adaptation and mitigation in the forests of the Congo Basin. Regional Environmental Change 17(3), 851-863. DOI: 10.1007. 851-863. Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Few, R., Armijos, M. T., Barclay, J. (2017) Living with Volcan Tungurahua: the dynamics of vulnerability during prolonged volcanic activity. Geoforum, 80, 72-81. DOI 10.1016. Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Edmunds, K., Abd Elrahman, S., Bell, D., Brainard, J., Dervisevic, S., P Fedha, T., Few, R., Howard, G., Lake, I., Maes, P., Matofari, J., Minnigh, H., Mohamedani, A. A., Montgomery, M., Morter, S., Muchiri, E., Mudau, L. S., Mutua, B. M., Ndambuki, J. M., Pond, K., Sobsey, M. D., Van der Es, M., Zeitoun, M., Hunter, P. (2016) Recommendations for dealing with waste contaminated with Ebola virus: a Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points approach Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Scott, Z., Wooster, K., Few, R., Thomson, A., Tarazona, M. (2016) Monitoring and evaluating disaster risk management capacity Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Few, R., Scott, Z., Wooster, K., Flores Avila, M., Tarazona, M. (2016) Strengthening capacities for disaster risk management II: Lessons for effective support. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 20, 154-162. DOI: 10.1016. Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Gross-Camp, N., Few, R., Martin, A. (2015) Perceptions of and adaptation to environmental change in forest-adjacent communities in three African nations Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Few, R., Satyal, P., McGahey, D., Leavy, J., Budds, J., Assen, M., Camfield, L., Loubser, D., Adnew, M., Bewket, W. (2015) Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Semi-Arid Areas in East Africa (Commissioned report)
Hicks, A., Few, R. (2015) Trajectories of social vulnerability during the Soufrière Hills volcanic crisis Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Scott, Z., Few, R., Wooster, K., Tarazona, M.(2015) What works and what doesn’t: Capacity development for better disaster risk management UEA Repository (Chapter)
Clark, N., Chhotray, V., Few, R. (2013) Global justice and disasters Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Few, R., Lake, I., Hunter, P. R., Tran, P. G. (2013) Seasonality, disease and behavior: Using multiple methods to explore socio-environmental health risks in the Mekong Delta. Social Science and Medicine, 80: 1-9. DOI: 10.1016. Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Edmunds, K., Hunter, P., Few, R., Bell, D. (2013) Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points Assessment as a Tool to Respond to Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Bang, H., Few, R. (2012) Social risks and challenges in post-disaster resettlement: the case of Lake Nyos, Cameroon Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Chhotray, V., Few, R. (2012) Post-disaster recovery and ‘ongoing’ vulnerability: Ten years after the super-cyclone of 1999 in Orissa, India Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Few, R. (2012) Health behaviour theory, adaptive capacity and the dynamics of disease risk. Climate and Development, 4 (4): 301-310. DOI: 10.1080. Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Goulden, M. C., Few, R., Abebe, L., Brooks, N., Daoud, M., Konaté, K., Sarney, E., Smith, D., Umoh, B., Vernon, P., Weiner, J., Yamba, B. (2011) Climate change, water and conflict in the Niger River Basin
Edmunds, K., Roberton, S. I., Few, R., Mahood, S., Bui, P. L., Hunter, P. R., Bell, D. J., Influenza A Virus, H5N1 Subtype (2011) Investigating Vietnam’s ornamental bird trade: implications for transmission of zoonoses Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Few, R., Barclay, J. (2011) Societal impacts of natural hazards: A review of international research funding
Few, R., Graizbord, B. (ed.), Mercado, A. (ed.), Few, R. (ed.) (2011) Cambio Climatico, Amenazas Naturales y Salud en México UEA Repository (Book)
Few, R., Tran, P. (2010) Climatic hazards, health risk and response in Vietnam: case studies on social dimensions of vulnerability. Global Environmental Change 20, 529-538. Full Text UEA Repository (Article)
Few, R., Brown, K., and Tompkins, E.L. (2007) ‘Public participation and climate change adaptation: avoiding the illusion of inclusion’, Climate Policy 7, 46-59.
Few, R. (2007) ‘Health and climatic hazards: framing social research on vulnerability, response and adaptation’, Global Environmental Change 17, 281-295.
Few, R., Brown, K., and Tompkins, E.L. (2007) ‘Climate change and coastal management decisions: insights from Christchurch Bay, UK’, Coastal Management 35 (2-3), 255-270.
Few, R. and Matthies, F. (eds) (2006) Flood hazards and health: responding to present and future risks, Earthscan, London.
Few, R. (2003) ‘Flooding, vulnerability and coping mechanisms: local responses to a global threat’, Progress in Development Studies 3 (1), 43-58.