Mohammad Rajaeifar

Research Associate

Dr. Mohammad Ali Rajaeifar is an experienced researcher in the area of Industrial Ecology. He studies technologies and management strategies and provides sustainability analysis of different production systems. He started his research in 2013 in the area of sustainable agriculture and biofuel production. Then he extended his research to sustainability assessment of biorefineries, low carbon transport systems and waste management systems. His PhD mainly focused on biodiesel production from second generation feedstock and assessing their environmental impacts. Mohammad’s research is not limited to the considered areas. Within the last couple of years, he has been developing some expertise on the sustainability of EVs and Lithium-ion batteries. His outstanding research outcomes in the field provide society and decision makers with deep understanding of the sustainability of EVs, existing challenges and possible approaches. Mohammad is also an expert in data collection and analysis, compiling data inventories and assessing the environmental impacts of complicated industrial systems.

Dr. Rajaeifar was previously the head of LCA research group in biofuel research team. He has also great experience in using different Industrial Ecology means to assess complicated industrial systems. The results of some of these projects were published in different high quality peer-reviewed journals. Apart from his great experience in reviewing papers for many high impact journals, he also acts as an editorial board member of different journals such as Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Data in Brief (Elsevier) and frontiers in sustainability (Frontiers).