Lucas’ research interests focus on political representation, particularly the relationship between citizens and politicians. At UEA Lucas is currently a researcher on the ERC-funded project Deep Decarbonisation: The Democratic Challenge of Navigating Governance Traps, in which he seeks to understand what motivates politicians to credibly commit themselves to lead in deep and rapid decarbonisation. Previously he worked as a lecturer and researcher in Comparative Politics at the University of Bamberg in Germany.
Lucas Geese
Selected Publications
Selected Publications
Geese, L. (2022). Does descriptive representation narrow the immigrant gap in turnout? A comparative study across 11 Western European democracies. Political Studies.
Geese, Lucas. (2020). Do immigrant-origin candidates attract immigrant-origin voters in party-centred electoral systems? Evidence from Germany, Acta Politica, 55, 492–511
Geese, Lucas. (2020). Immigration-related speechmaking in a party-constrained parliament: evidence from the ‘refugee crisis’ of the 18th German Bundestag (2013-2017). German Politics, 29:2, 201-222,
Geese, Lucas and Diana Schacht. (2019). The more concentrated, the better represented? The geographical concentration of immigrants and their descriptive representation in the German mixed-member system. International Political Science Review, 40:5, 643–658,
Geese, Lucas and Carsten Schwemmer, 2019: MPs’ Principals and the Substantive Representation of Disadvantaged Immigrant Groups. West European Politics, 42:4, 681-704,
Fernandes, Jorge M., Lucas Geese, Carsten Schwemmer. (2019). The impact of candidate selection rules and electoral vulnerability on legislative behaviour in comparative perspective, European Journal of Political Research, 59:1, 270-291.