My research focuses, broadly, on the relationship between evidence and public policy-making, and more specifically on policy analysis tools, construction and deployment of scientific evidence. I take a multi-disciplinary approach to studying the politics of policy-making, and am particularly interested in environment, sustainable development and climate change-related policy. I have recently worked on the politics of valuing nature, and previously researched policy appraisal, use of analytical tools in policy, climate change and society, scenario creation and futures communication, and knowledge brokerage.
I have been co- or principal investigator on projects funded by the European Commission, NERC, ESRC and the Nuffield Foundation. My most recent project (2019-2022) is funded by the Open Research Area investigating why societies find it hard to adapt to climate change.
I am a Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Public Management at UEA, and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I joined the School of Politics in 2012, following several years as a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Environmental Sciences at UEA. I have an MA in Social Policy and a PhD in Environmental Science from the University of Nottingham.
I am interested in research student supervision in public policy and public management generally, particularly environment and sustainable development policy, and the use of science and analysis in policy formulation. I also welcome contact from potential research students with a background in geography, or any arts and humanities subjects, who may be interested in a cross-disciplinary PhD co-supervised with colleagues in other Schools.