Irene is interested in how individuals, groups and collectives perceive the challenges of global environmental change, how they engage and respond to them. As an environmental social scientist, her research focuses on the relationships between individual perceptions and understandings of environmental issues – specifically climate change – and behaviours. An important component to her work is understanding how and why such responses are enabled or hindered, with a focus on societal and political processes shaping climate futures. Therefore Irene’s work also encompasses governance of climate change at various societal and geographical levels, both in relation to mitigating climate change and adapting to its effects. She pursues these strands drawing from a variety of social science disciplines in an interdisciplinary manner. Her current research includes societal transformations and low carbon futures (see ESRC-funded CAST centre work), rapid and deep decarbonisation (see ERC-funded ‘DeepDCarb‘ – Deep Decarbonisation: the Democratic Challenge of Navigating Governance Traps’ project), communication and accessibility of climate data in visual form, and coastal adaptation and resilience. Irene serves on the editorial board of the academic journal Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs) Climate Change. She is also member of the Science, Society and Sustainability (3S) Research Group.
Relevant websites:
Deep Decarbonisation: the Democratic Challenge of Navigating Governance Traps’ project:
UEA profile:
CAST (Centre for Climate and Social Transitions):
3S (Science, Society and Sustainability) Research Group at UEA: