Guilherme Mataveli

Affiliate Member of the Tyndall Centre, Post-Doctoral Researcher


Dr. Guilherme Mataveli is a post-doctoral researcher at the Earth Observation and Geoinformatics Division of the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). He is particularly interested in studies related to fire, deforestation, land use and land cover changes, protected areas and environmental policy in the Brazilian Amazon and the Brazilian savannas.


Dr. Mataveli is a geographer specialised in the use of remote sensing and modelling to understand how degradation processes, particularly fire and deforestation, and land use and land cover changes affect vegetated areas. He is also interested on their impact over the emissions of trace gases and aerosols associated with biomass burning. Guilherme’s research also covers the role of protected areas in keeping the standing forests of Amazonia and how Brazilian environmental policies affect the conservation of these forests.


Guilherme completed his PhD in Physical Geography at the University of São Paulo, where his thesis assessed the spatial and temporal patterns in the fire regime and trends in the emissions associated with biomass burning in the Cerrado biome (Brazil). He also holds a MSc in Remote Sensing from the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, where his dissertation analysed the influence of the viewing angle and background in the estimate of Fire Radiative Power using a small-scale combustion experiment. Guilherme worked as a research assistant at the Geosciences Department of the São João del-Rei Federal University before rejoining the National Institute for Space Research as a post-doctoral researcher.

Current projects

Improving biomass burning emissions estimates by updating emission factors values, funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation grant 2023/03206-0, which aims to (i) improve the biomass burning emissions estimates derived from the PREP-CHEM-SRC emissions preprocessor version 1.8.3 by updating the emission factors in the tool and (ii) assess the uncertainties of this parameter in the tool by running PREP-CHEM-SRC using the minimum, average, and maximum emission factor values proposed by Andreae (2019).

The influence of land use and land cover on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions from fire in Amazonia and Cerrado biomes integrating modelling and remote sensing, funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation grant 2019/25701-8, which proposes to (i) update land use and land cover in the PREP-CHEM-SRC emissions pre-processing tool; (ii) estimate PM2.5 fire emissions in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes using this tool; (iii) compare such estimates with global emissions inventories; (iv) assess the accuracy of these estimates; (v) analyze the interannual and intrannual variation of PM2.5 fire emissions in the Amazon biome; and (vi) quantify the reduction in such emissions resulting from the fire management techniques applied in protected areas of the Cerrado biome

Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Innovation – RCG2I, funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation grant 2020/15230-5. The FAPESP-SHELL Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Innovation aims to be a world-class Centre for advanced studies with a focus on innovation towards sustainability and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. The main goal is of this centre is to promote the development of sustainable solutions that help Brazil to fulfil its NDCs in the Paris Agreement aiming to mitigate global warming, as well as to support the provision of ecosystem services, encourage social well-being and support the elaboration of public policies.