Highlighted publications
Mataveli, G.; de Oliveira, G. Protect the Amazon’s Indigenous lands. 2022, Science, 375, doi: 10.1126/science.abn4936.
Mataveli, G.; de Oliveira, G.; Silva-Junior, C. H. L.; Stark, S. C.; Carvalho, N.; Anderson, L. O.; Gatti, L. V.; Aragão, L. E. O. C. Record-breaking fires in the Brazilian Amazon associated with uncontrolled deforestation. 2022, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, doi: 10.1038/s41559-022-01945-2.
Mataveli, G.; de Oliveira, G.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Dalagnol, R.; Wagner, F. H.; Ipia, A. H. S.; Silva-Junior, C. H. L.; Aragão, L. E. O. C. Science-based planning can support law enforcement actions to curb deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. 2022, Conservation Letters, e12908, doi: 10.1111/conl.12908.
Mataveli, G.; Silva, M. E. S.; França, D. A.; Brunsell, N. A.; de Oliveira, G.; Cardozo, F. S.; Bertani, G.; Pereira, G. Characterization and trends of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) fire emissions in the Brazilian Cerrado during 2002–2017. Remote Sensing, 11, 2254-2275, doi: 10.3390/rs11192254, 2019.
Silva-Junior, C. H. L.; Silva, F. B.; Arisi, B. M.; Mataveli, G.; Pessôa, A. C. M.; Carvalho, N. S.; Reis, J. B. C.; Silva Júnior, A. R.; Motta, N. A. C. S.; Silva, P. V. M.; Ribeiro, F. D.; Siqueira-Gay, J.; Alencar, A.; Saatchi, S.; Aragão, L. E. O. C.; Anderson, L.O.; Melo, M. Brazilian Amazon indigenous territories under deforestation pressure. 2023, Scientific Reports, 13, doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-32746-7.
Chaves, M. E. D.; Mataveli, G.; Ermgassen, E. Z.; Aragão, R. B. A.; Adami, M.; Sanches, I. D. Reverse the Cerrado’s neglect. 2023, Nature Sustainability, 6, doi: 10.1038/s41893-023-01182-w.
In the Media
Number of fires in Brazilian Amazon in August-September 2022 was highest since 2010 – https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/979689
Researchers use AI to define priority areas for action to combat deforestation in the Amazon – https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/962707
Deforestation of Indigenous lands could prevent Brazil from achieving climate change – https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/950162
Mataveli, G.; de Oliveira, G.; Libonati, R.; Silva-Junior, C. H. L.; Anderson, L. O. Novel Approaches and Techniques for Understanding Vegetation Fires in South America. 2023, Fire, 6, doi: 10.3390/fire6070275.
Shimabukuro, Y. E.; de Oliveira, G.; Pereira, G.; Arai, E.; Cardozo, F. S.; Dutra, A. S.; Mataveli, G. Assessment of Burned Areas during the Pantanal Fire Crisis in 2020 Using Sentinel-2 Images. 2023, Fire, 6, doi: 10.3390/fire6070277.
Guerrero, J.; Gomes, A.; Mataveli, G.; Lorandi, R.; Teixeira, J.; di Lollo, J. A.; Moschini, L. E. Thirty years of geoethic conflicts between natural groundwater vulnerability and land use in a southeastern Brazilian municipality. 2023, Sustainable Water Resources Management, 9, doi: 10.1007/s40899-023-00815-4.
Chaves, M. E. D.; Soares, A. R.; Mataveli, G.; Sánchez, A. H.; Sanches, I. D. A Semi-Automated Workflow for LULC Mapping via Sentinel-2 Data Cubes and Spectral Indices. 2023, Automation, 4, doi: 10.3390/automation4010007.
Rufino, P.R.; Gücker, B.; Faramarzi, M.; Boëchat, I. G.; Cardozo, F. S.; Santos, P. R.; Zanin, G. D.; Mataveli, G.; Pereira, G. Evaluation of the SWAT Model for the Simulation of Flow and Water Balance Based on Orbital Data in a Poorly Monitored Basin in the Brazilian Amazon. 2023, Geographies, 3, doi: 10.3390/geographies3010001.
Shimabukuro, Y. E.; Arai, E.; da Silva, G. M.; Dutra, A. C.; Mataveli, G.; Duarte, V.; Martini, P. R.; Cassol, H. L. G.; Ferreira, D. S.; Junqueira, L. R. Mapping and Monitoring Forest Plantations in São Paulo State, Southeast Brazil, Using Fraction Images Derived from Multiannual Landsat Sensor Images. 2022, Forests, 13, doi:10.3390/f13101716.
Pereira, G.; Longo, K. M.; Freitas, S. R.; Mataveli, G.; Oliveira, V. J.; Santos, P. R.; Rodrigues, L. F.; Cardozo, F. S. Improving the south America wildfires smoke estimates: Integration of polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite fire products in the Brazilian biomass burning emission model (3BEM). 2022, Atmospheric Environment, 274, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.118954.
de Oliveira, G.; Mataveli, G.; dos Santos, C. A. C.; He, L.; Hellenkamp, S. E.; Funatsu, B. M.; Stark, S. C.; Shimabukuro, Y. E. Protecting Amazonia Should Focus on Protecting Indigenous, Traditional Peoples and Their Territories. 2022, Forests, 13, doi: 10.3390/f13010016.
Guerrero, J. V. R.; Escobar-Silva, E. V.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Mataveli, G.; Moschini, L. E. M. Detecting multitemporal land use changes and environmental fragility in a heterogeneous Brazilian landscape. 2022, Papers in Applied Geography, 8, doi: 10.1080/23754931.2022.2117565.
Mataveli, G.; Chaves, M.; Guerrero, J.; Escobar-Silva, E. V.; Conceição, K.; de Oliveira, G. Mining Is a Growing Threat within Indigenous Lands of the Brazilian Amazon. 2022, Remote Sensing, 14, doi: 10.3390/rs14164092.
Seixas, H. T.; Brunsell, N. A.; Moraes, E. C.; de Oliveira, G.; Mataveli, G. Exploring the ecosystem resilience concept with land surface model scenarios. 2022, Ecological Modelling, 464, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109817.
Pereira, G.; Ramos, R. C.; Rocha, L.; Brunsell, N. A.; Merino, E. R.; Mataveli, G.; Cardozo, F. S. Rainfall patterns and geomorphological controls driving inundation frequency in tropical wetlands: how does the Pantanal flood? 2021, Progress in Physical Geography, 4, doi: 10.1177/0309133320987719.
Mataveli, G.; Pereira, G.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Cardozo, F. S.; Stark, S. C.; Shimabukuro, Y. E.; Aragão, L. E. O. C.; de Oliveira, G.; Chen, J. Assessing the Increasing Deforestation in Protected Areas of the Brazilian Cerrado and its Impacts on the Fire-Driven Emissions of Fine Particulate Aerosols Pollutants. 2021, Remote Sensing Letters, 12, doi: 10.1080/2150704X.2021.1875147.
Mataveli, G. A. V.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Brunsell, N. A.; Aragão, L. E. O. C. The emergence of a new deforestation hotspot in Amazonia. 2021, Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 19, doi: 10.1016/j.pecon.2021.01.002.
Chaves, M.; Alves, M.; Sáfadi, T.; Oliveira, M.; Picoli, M.; Simoes, R.; Mataveli, G. Pattern recognition applied to MODIS time series to identify agricultural dynamics in the Brazilian Cerrado. 2021, Science of Remote Sensing, 3, doi: 10.1016/j.srs.2021.100021.
Conceição, K. V.; Martins, F. C. M.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Mataveli, G.; Barros, K. O.; Guerrero, J. V. R. Técnica GEOBIA e as mudanças na paisagem de áreas naturais protegidas: estudo de caso no Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra. 2021, Revista Brasileira de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4743935.
Chaves, M. E. D.; Martins, F. C. M.; Mataveli, G.; Conceção, K. V.; Barros, K. O.; Guerrero, J. V. R. Focos de calor no Cerrado e na Caatinga de Minas Gerais identificados por sensor orbital. 2021, Revista Brasileira de Sensoriamento Remoto, 2, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4743930.
de Oliveira, G.; Brunsell, N. A.; Chen, J.; Shimabukuro, Y. E.; Mataveli, G.; Santos, C. A. C.; Stark, S. C.; Lima, A.; Aragão, L. E. O. C. Legacy effects following fire on surface energy fluxes and water-use efficiency in primary Amazonian forests. 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 126, doi: 10.1029/2020JG005833.
Mataveli, G.; Pereira, G.; de Oliveira, G.; Seixas, H. T.; Cardozo, F. S.; Shimabukuro, Y. E.; Kawakubo, F. S.; Brunsell, N. A. 2020 Pantanal’s widespread fire: short- and long-term implications for biodiversity and conservation. 2021, Biodiversity and Conservation, 30, doi: 10.1007/s10531-021-02243-2.
Santos, P. R.; Pereira, G.; Cardozo, F. S.; Mataveli, G.; Moraes, E. C. Desenvolvimento e implementação do ciclo diurno da queima de biomassa no PREP-CHEM-SRC. 2021, Revista do Departamento de Geografia, 41, doi: 1 0.11606/eISSN.2236-2878.rdg.2021.174236.
Conceição, K. V.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Picoli, M. C. A.; Sanches, A. H.; Soares, A. R.; Mataveli, G.; Silva, D. E.; Costa, J.; Camara, G. Government policies endanger the Indigenous Peoples of Brazilian Amazon. 2021, Land Use Policy, 108, doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105663.
Limberger, L.; Silva, M. E. S.; Pereira, G.; Cardozo, F. S.; Mataveli, G.; Lima, B. S. Streamflow and precipitation trends in the Brazilian Amazon basin and their association with Pacific decadal oscillation and deforestation. 2021, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 145, doi: 10.1007/s00704-021-03739-1.
Mataveli, G.; de Oliveira, G.; Seixas, H. T.; Pereira, G.; Stark, S. C.; Gatti, L. V.; Basso, L. S.; Tejada, G.; Cassol, H. L. G.; Anderson, L. O.; Aragão, L. E. O. C. Relationship between Biomass Burning Emissions and Deforestation in Amazonia over the Last Two Decades. 2021, Forests, 12, doi: 10.3390/f12091217.
Guerrero, J. V. R.; Caiche, D. T.; Morato, R. G.; Kawakubo, F. S.; Mataveli, G. De quem é o verde urbano? Uma análise geotecnológica da iniquidade arbórea do município de São Carlos, SP. 2021, Revista Geociência, 20, doi: 10.33947/1981-741X-v20n2-4835.
Conceição, K. V.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Mataveli, G. Land Use and Land Cover Mapping in a Priority Municipality for Deforestation Control Actions in the Amazon using GEOBIA. 2020, Brazilian Journal of Cartography, 72, doi: 10.14393/rbcv72n4-53192.
Guerrero, J. V. R.; Moschini, L. E.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Mataveli, G.; Morato, R. G.; Kawakubo, F. S. Abordagem geobia para a análise da dinâmica do uso da terra e cobertura vegetal no município de Brotas-SP, Brasil. 2020, Geofocus, 26, doi: 10.21138/GF.675.
Guerrero, J. V. R.; Escobar-Silva, E. V.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Mataveli, G.; Bourscheidt, V.; de Oliveira, G.; Picoli, M. C. A.; Shimabukuro, Y. E.; Moschini, L. E. Assessing Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Direct Influence Zone of the Braço Norte Hydropower Complex, Brazilian Amazonia. 2020, Forests, 11, doi: 10.3390/f11090988.
de Oliveira, G.; Chen. J. M.; Mataveli, G.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Seixas, H. T.; Cardozo, F. S.; Shimabukuro, Y. E.; He, L.; Stark, S. C.; Santos, C. A. C. Rapid recent deforestation incursion in a vulnerable indigenous land in the Brazilian Amazon and fire-driven emissions of fine particulate aerosol pollutants. 2020, Forests, 11, doi: 10.3390/f11080829.
de Oliveira, G.; Chen. J. M.; Mataveli, G.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Shimabukuro, Y. E.; Santos, T. V.; Santos, C. A. C.; Sade, N. Evapotranspiration rates from pasture and soybean in the tropics: a case study in the Xingu River Basin, Brazilian Amazon. 2020, Agronomy, 10, doi: 10.3390/agronomy10081112.
Simioni J. P. D.; Guasselli, L. A.; de Oliveira, G.; Mataveli, G.; Santos, T. V. A remote sensing-based method to assess water level fluctuations in wetlands in Southern Brazil. 2020, GeoHazards, 1, doi: 10.3390/geohazards1010003.
Lima, S. F.; Barrozo, L. V., Mataveli, G. Surface temperature and pluviosity thresholds as an indicator of aedes aegypti proliferation risk in the city of São Paulo. 2020, Caminhos da Geografia, 21, 356-367, doi: 10.14393/RCG217348755, 2020.
Kawakubo, F. S.; Morato, R. G.; Martins, M.; Mataveli, G.; Nepomuceno, P.; Martines, M. Quantification and analysis of impervious surface area in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil. 2019, Remote Sensing, 11, 944-962, doi: 10.3390/rs11080944.
Justino, R. C.; Mataveli, G.; Kawakubo, F. S.; Guerrero, J. V. R.; Chaves, M. E. D. Mapping land use and permanent protection areas in the watersheds of the São Tomé and Machado Rivers, Southern Minas Gerais. 2019, Revista de Geografia, 9, 50-65, doi: 10.34019/2236- 837X.2019.v9.29257.
Silva, C. B.; Silva, M. E. S.; Ambrizzi, T.; Tommaselli, J. T. G.; Patucci, N. N.; Mataveli, G.; Lima, B. S.; Correa, W. C. Precipitation in South America – data obtained from automatic meteorological stations and orbital systems. 2019, Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, 25, 54-79, doi: 10.5380/abclima.v25i0.58813.
Mataveli, G.; Silva, M. E. S.; Pereira, G.; Cardozo, F. S.; Kawakubo, F. S.; Bertani, G.; Costa, J. C.; Ramos, R. C.; Silva, V. V. Satellite observations for describing fire patterns and climate-related fire drivers in the Brazilian savannas. 2018, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, 125-144, doi: 10.5194/nhess-18-125-2018.
Oliveira, B. S.; Moraes, E. C.; Carrasco-Benavides, M.; Mataveli, G. Improved Albedo Estimates Implemented in the METRIC Model for Modeling Energy Balance Fluxes and Evapotranspiration over Agricultural and Natural Areas in the Brazilian Cerrado. 2018, Remote Sensing, 10, 1181-1208, doi: 10.3390/rs10081181.
Mataveli, G.; Silva, M. E. S.; Pereira, G.; Santos, P. R.; Cardozo, F. S.; Lima, S. F.; França, D. A. F.; Silva, F. B. Modelling the contribution of the Cerrado fires to the Brazilian emissions of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5 μm) associated with biomass burning. 2018, Revista do Departamento de Geografia, special issue, 118-128, doi: 10.11606/rdg.v0ispe.145095.
Lima, S. F.; Barrozo, L. V.; Mataveli, G. Surface temperature and precipitation that influence the incidence of aedes aegypti in São Paulo. 2018, Revista do Departamento de Geografia, special issue, 174-183, doi: 10.11606/rdg.v0ispe.145697.
Mataveli, L. R. V.; Buzzo, M. L.; Carvalho, M. F. H.; Arauz, L. J.; Mataveli, G. A. V. Evaluation of total chromium levels in drinking water. 2018, Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 77, 1748.
Cardozo, F. S.; Pereira, G.; Mataveli, G.; Ramos, R. C.; Silva, L. R. S.; Faria, B. C. Spatial analysis of burnings and its impacts in Minas Gerais for the 2014 year. 2018, Caminhos da Geografia, 19, 35-54, doi: 10.14393/RCG196603.
Mataveli, G.; Guerrero, J. V. R.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Justino, R. C.; Kawakubo, F. S.; Morato, R. G. The Conservative of Waters Program and its relation with land-use in Extrema-MG. 2018, Revista do Departamento de Geografia, 36, 130-140, doi: 10.11606/rdg.v36i0.140424.
Mataveli, G.; Silva, M. E. S.; Pereira, G.; Cardozo, F. S.; Kawakubo, F. S.; Bertani, G.; Costa, J. C.; Ramos, R. C.; Silva, V. V. Analysis of fire dynamics in the Brazilian savannas. 2017, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, doi: 10.5194/nhess-2017-90.
de Oliveira, G.; Moraes, E. C.; Shimabukuro, Y. E.; Aragão, L. E. O. C.; Mataveli, G. Remote Sensing data for the study of biosphere-atmosphere interactions in Amazonian ecosystems: a review. 2017, Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, 69, 1189-1270.
Guerrero, J. V. R.; Chaves, M. E. D.; Justino, R. C.; Mataveli, G.; Moschini, L. E. Potential of aquifer contamination in the Gouveia Stream Basin, São Paulo. 2017, Acta Brasiliensis, 1, 1-7, doi: 10.22571/Actabra13201757.
Mataveli, G.; Pereira, G.; Moraes, E. C.; Oliveira, B. S. Remote sensing approach to quantify carbon dioxide emissions from sugarcane preharvest burning. 2017, Revista Ra’e Ga Espaço Geográfico em Análise, 42, 120-132, doi: 10.5380/raega.
Mataveli, G.; Pereira, G.; Moraes, E. C.; Oliveira, B. S. Analysis of the background effect in Fire Radiative Power and Energy estimate. 2017, International Review of Geographical Information Science and Technology, 20, 29-48, doi: 10.21138/GF.443.
Mataveli, G.; Silva, M. E. S.; Pereira, G.; Kawakubo, F. S.; Bertani, G.; Oliveira, B. S. Analysis of fires and precipitation in Cerrado areas of the Maranhão State during 2002-2015 using MODIS and TRMM data. 2017, Boletim Paulista de Geografia, 96, 11-30.
Soares, T. B. O.; Resende, F. C.; Mataveli, G.; Pereira, G.; Gontijo, B M. 2017, Preciptation influence on the fire dynamics in the Parque Nacional das Sempre Vivas – MG. Estudos Geográficos, 15, 121-138.
Mataveli, G.; Pereira, G.; Moraes, E. C.; Oliveira, B. S.; Cardozo, F. C. Relationship between the viewing angle and the Fire Radiative Power estimation. Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas, 21, 371-388, doi: 10.1590/S1982- 21702015000200021, 2015.
Oliveira, B. S.; Moraes, E. C.; Rudorff, B. F. T.; Mataveli, G. Performance analysis of surface albedo models in sugarcane crop areas with MODIS/Terra data. 2015, Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, 67, 479-491.
Cardozo, F. S.; Pereira, G.; Mataveli, G.; Shimabukuro, Y. E.; Moraes, E. C. Evaluation of 3BEM and 3BEM_FRP emissions models in the Rondônia State. 2015, Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, 67, 1247-1264.
Mataveli, G.; Oliveira, B. S.; Pereira, G.; Moraes, E. C. Dynamics of sugarcane pre-harvest burning fires in São Paulo State between 2008 and 2011. 2014, Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, 66, 379-392.
Chaves, M. E. D.; Mataveli, G.; Justino, R. C. Use of statistical modeling for vegetation monitoring in the Serra da Canastra National Park, Minas Gerais. 2014, Caderno de Geografia, 24, 120-132.
Mataveli, G.; Pereira, G.; Moraes, E. C.; Cardozo, F. S. Impacts of introduction of sugarcane crop over surface albedo and reflectance in Mato Grosso state. 2013, Revista Geoaraguaia, special issue, 179-192.