Eduardo Martínez Ceseña

Academic Fellow

Alejandro (Alex) is an Academic Fellow in Multi-energy Systems in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Manchester, UK. He received the BEng degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Mexico) in 2004, the MSc degree from Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia (Mexico) in 2008 and the PhD degree from the University of Manchester in 2012, all in electrical engineering, with focus on power systems.

Alex has led and participated in several UK and international research projects including FutureDAMS (GCRF), MY-STORE (EPSRC), Smart Street (LCNF), Forward Resilience Measures (NIA), ADDRESS (FP6), DIMMER (FP7) and ATTEST (H2020); specifically, in work streams related to the integration of smart and flexible network solutions, economic and financial assessment, and business models for the development of cost-effective, low carbon and resilience energy systems.

Currently (2021), he teaches power system analysis (Bachelor’s course), as well as power system operation and economics (MSc course). He is a member of CIGRE’s working group C6/C1.33 on “multi-energy system interactions in distribution grid”, the secretary of CIGRE’s working group C6/C2.34 on “flexibility provision from distributed energy resources”, and the co-lead of the H2020 thematic cluster on sector integration.


Research Interests

His research interests include power systems economics, planning and design of generation systems based on renewable energies, distribution network reinforcement planning in the light of demand response, storage and other smart solutions, multi-energy system analysis, optimisation techniques, energy system resilience, and Real Options theory, among others.

Research areas

Multiple energy systems

Integrated electricity, heat and gas networks

Water-energy nexus

Investment planning under uncertainty

Eduardo Martínez Ceseña

Research Areas


Phone: +44 (0) 75 8319 0133

Postal Address:

B1 – Ferranti Building, Sackville Street, P O Box 88, Manchester, United Kingdom

University website