I am an environmental social scientist with an interdisciplinary background that cuts across social and environmental science disciplines. My research has two core strands: 1) public participation and visioning for a low-carbon future, and 2) climate/net-zero discourses (in policy and media) and how they interact with public perceptions. Methodologically, I am a qualitative researcher, using participatory, anticipatory and place-based methods to engage publics with these issues and their implications for everyday life. I have a strong focus on policy impact and the main motivation for my work is to give diverse publics a greater voice in climate policy making at both a national and local level.
I am currently a Co-I at the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations, (CAST) which aims to explore how people can live differently and better, whilst still achieving radical emissions reductions. I have responsibility for delivering two within CASTs Visioning theme: Project 1.1 ‘Public engagement for ‘desirable’ and ‘feasible’ visions of change’ and Project 1.5 ‘Media representation of climate change and transformative action’. As Co-I on the Citizens’ Assemblies on Climate Change project, I was also an official researcher at the Climate Assembly UK. Prior to this, my research has explored public understandings and imaginaries surrounding a range of climate and energy related topics, including: the circular economy, the sharing economy, local decentralised energy systems, and low-carbon housing.