Andrew Welfle

Research Fellow

Andrew is a Research Fellow at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at The University of Manchester. Andrew has a background and interests in environmental, energy and engineering themes, a strong track record undertaking sustainability, climate change and bioenergy research through developing modelling toolkits and analysis methodologies.

Andrew is a Topic Representative within the current UK Supergen Bioenergy Hub research programme where he works with academics, NGO, industry and government to promote the growth of a sustainable UK bioenergy sector. Andrew is also the author of the University Manchester’s Bioenergy Impact Case that demonstrates how Manchester’s bioenergy research has provided the science on which UK policies have been developed to support the deployment of UK low carbon heat bioenergy technologies.

Research Interests:

  • Bioenergy
  • Biomass Resources – wastes, residues & grown
  • Resource Supply Chains
  • Low Carbon Heating
  • Decarbonisation of Agriculture
Andrew Welfle

Research Areas


Phone: +44 (0)161 275 4339

Postal Address
The University of Manchester
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
School of MACE, Pariser Building (Room H1)
M13 9PL

University website 

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