Tyndall Director Robert Nicholls joins Sea Level 2022 Conference in Singapore


The WCRP Sea Level Conference was held in Singapore last July. It provided an opportunity to share the present status and future of climate-related sea-level research with a strong focus on the application of sea-level science for adaptation and stakeholder needs. Given the critical need for risk assessment and coastal adaptation, it included direct participation by a global cross-section of both leading sea level researchers and adaptation practitioners.

The conference brought together a diverse range of sea-level scientists and practitioners in an innovative dialogue on “Advancing Science, Connecting Society”. Expertise included natural scientists, social scientists, coastal engineers, managers and planners. They discussed evidence demonstrating that sea-level rise represents a major challenge for coastal societies both in terms of enhanced risks and the adaptation needs to address those risks in many places across the world. The current state of adaptation practice was reported by practitioners across the globe, including identification of specific needs from science for planning. Scientists need to continue to advance the science and co-produce with practitioners useful and actionable information on sea-level change for risk and adaptation assessment.

Tyndall Centre Director Robert Nicholls attended the event. “The Sea Level 2022 Conference really captured the last 10 years of progress in sea-level research. Deep uncertainties about future sea levels due to our poor understanding of the Antarctica ice sheet remain and will be an ongoing subject of future research and monitoring. The conference also more deeply embraced the application and practise agenda than earlier meetings. This is so relevant to addressing accelerating sea-level rise and it implications for coastal risk and adaptation. Ongoing science-practitioner discussions can support co-production of the information and solutions that are needed,” said Robert.


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