New report finds Brexit gives rise to new political identities one year on from EU referendum

EU referendum: one year oncommissioned by the Political Studies Association, demonstrates how the referendum has produced new political allegiances based on the Leave-Remain divide. A year on, nearly three-quarters of people think of themselves as Leavers (38%) or Remainers (35%) – a similar proportion to those who identify with political parties.

Implications for the Environment

One year on, there is a growing realisation of the “profound implications” Brexit will have on the UK’s environment, including agriculture, fisheries, climate and energy. Former environment secretary Andrea Leadsom noted a third of EU environment policy cannot be copied into UK law (through the Great Repeal Bill) as it makes reference to EU institutions. It is unclear whether the UK will develop alternative governance arrangements to replace these and whether, in devolved areas such as the environment, these will be centralised or devolved. Determining who decides those standards, and their level, will be politically challenging.

see: UK Environmental policy  pages 40-42
By Charlotte Burns, Viviane Gravey and Andrew Jordan

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