Interim Director Announcement

The Governing Body of the Tyndall Centre, the Tyndall Council, is pleased to announce that Prof Carly McLachlan is now Interim Tyndall Director of the Tyndall Centre. Carly remains as Director of Tyndall Centre Manchester. Carly’s research on engaging various stakeholders with energy and sustainability issues is at the heart of efforts to address climate change. Her leadership at Tyndall Manchester in both research and engagement is a great asset, and will no doubt stimulate new ideas and new research avenues during this interim period and beyond. We also welcome Carly as the first social scientist taking the helm of the Tyndall Centre.

We will shortly re-advertise for the full-time Tyndall Director post at the University of East Anglia. Bob Watson is continuing in his role as strategic Director for this interim period, bringing his strategic experience and insights. Asher Minns is continuing his role as executive Director, ensuring strategic delivery, operations and evidence-based communication and engagement.

Corinne Le Quéré FRS, Tyndall Director 2011-2018, is returning to UEA’s School Environmental Sciences to further her carbon cycle research, continue to develop the scientific assessment platform ScienceBrief, and the annual release of the Global Carbon Budget. Corinne also has an exciting new role as the Chair of France’s first Climate Change Committee, she is already a member of the UK’s Climate Change Committee.

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