Critical Climate Decade: Implications for Water

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash
Dates of Event
22nd June 2022 – 23rd June 2022
Last Booking Date for this Event
20th June 2022



The 2020s is the critical and decisive decade during which we need to reduce emissions to limit climate change and prepare for unavoidable impacts.  Climate change will have a huge impact on how water is used and managed.  Over this two-day event,  we will network, learn and share ideas between experts from academia, industry, government and the third sector to seek solutions to water challenges, with an optional conference dinner on the 22nd of June. Themed sessions will focus on how climate change will impact water and health, nature-based solutions for water management, integrated assessment of adaptation options, urban-rural interdependencies and the roles of all sectors in climate mitigation and adaptation. It is hosted by the University of East Anglia’s Water Security Research Centre, the Anglian Centre for Water Studies, Anglian Water and the Tyndall Centre for climate change research.

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