Accelerating Social Transitions Research Projects
In the global north we are constantly mobile and constantly purchase goods. As households, we heat our homes and cook and make choices about what to buy. In our communities, we exchange ideas and signal our self-identities to ourselves and others with our consumer choices. ‘Transition’ describes a system-wide process unfolding through entwined social and technological change at multiple scales. By focusing on ‘social transitions’, we analyse our ways of life and our relationships with technologies and infrastructures. Read more…

BRISKEE: Supporting policies based on empirical investment behaviour
BRISKEE – Behavioural Response to Investment Risks in Energy Efficiency – is a Horizon 2020 project that will provide evidence-based input to the design and evaluation of energy efficiency policy

CASPI: Low-Carbon Lifestyles and Behavioural Spillover
“had a big party …” by Katy via Flickr is licensed under CC BY NC ND 2.0 Overview A mixed methods project examining the personal, cultural and contextual basis of

Change Points
The Change Points Toolkit supports users in developing interventions that unlock unsustainable practices so that alternative, less intensive patterns of consumption can emerge. It is not like any existing behaviour change

Climate Change Communication and Scepticism
This research was initially funded by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and is now supported by the School of Psychology. It has involved public survey work and laboratory experiments to understand

Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the UK food system
“pepper and salt” by zuiko12 via Flickr is licensed under CC BY NC SA 2.0 This project builds upon tried and tested methods for exploring future energy supply and demand

Community innovation in sustainable energy
Recent years have seen a surge in interest and activity in small-scale, sustainable energy projects led by local communities. Examples include solar water heating clubs and insulation clubs, which provide

Deep Decarbonisation (DeepDCarb): The Democratic Challenge of Navigating Governance Traps
DeepDCarb is a collaborative project between researchers at the University of East Anglia and the University of Heidelberg, funded through an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (Project number:

DiSECCS: Control of CO2 storage
Diagnostic Seismic toolbox for the Efficient Control of CO2 Storage (DiSECCS) is an interdisciplinary collaborative project focusing on developing monitoring tools and methodologies to identify and characterise injection-induced pressure build-up

Energy Biographies: Understanding the Dynamics of Energy Use for Energy Demand Reduction
This research is funded through the ESRC and EPSRC through the ‘Energy and Communities collaborative venture’ as part of Research Council UK’s (RCUK) Energy Programme. This project will break new